The State of California's official website for providing updates on the novel coronavirus outbreak. You'll find information on how to apply for disability benefits, unemployment insurance, paid family leave, accessibility to testing and treatment, and information on the risks and symptoms associated with the virus.
Office of Governor Gavin Newsom - Newsroom
California Department of Public Health
California Department of Social Services
Allows you to report abuse or fraud, apply for CalWORKS or CalFresh, and includes COVID-19 specific guidance for county agencies, employers, health care workers, in-home support services, and other relevant topics.
Federal Fiscal Relief and COVID-19: Implications for Californians
A California Budget and Policy Center analysis of the Coronavirus Federal Response Package. An up-to-date webpage explaining how recent federal coronavirus relief bills will impact residents of California, specifically regarding economic security, food, health & housing, government relief, and education.
Department of Industrial Relations
The Department of Industrial Relations website includes whether an employee can use California Paid Sick Leave due to COVID-19 illness.
Employment Development Department
Employment Development Department (EDD) provides links to how individuals affected by COVID-19 can submit various filings and claims, such as disability insurance, unemployment insurance, and paid family leave.
Labor and Workforce Development Agency
Benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19
FAQs about laws enforced by the California Labor Commissioner’s Office
Paid Sick Leave
Paid Family Leave
Unemployment Insurance
Disability Insurance
There is also interim guidance for protecting healthcare workers, protecting workers in general industries, and employer assistance on reduced work hours, taxes, and potential layoffs and closures.